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        【IT168 资讯】为什么我的课堂需要一台鼎易数影仪?


  数影仪A document camera is one of the easiest and quickest ways to integrate technology into your classroom.数影仪是将科技融入你的课堂最简单,最快捷的方法之一。这台设备简单易用。 A classroom document camera can be connected to a DLP/LCD projector through a computer or connected directly to a DLP/ LCD projector.数影仪可以通过电脑连接到投影机,或直接连接到投影机,可将拍摄的内容投射到白板上。 This one piece of classroom technology can be used to actively engage students in the learning process.数影仪能让学生在学习过程中积极参与。 Visual learners will benefit from the use of a classroom document camera by seeing small items, text, demonstrations in a much bigger way.学生能通过数影仪的放大效应看到放大了的小物件、文字和示意图。 Hands-on learners can also benefit from the use of a document camera by allowing them to be the ones placing objects or items under the document camera and explaining what they are showing.学生还能在数影仪下边演示文件或物件边讲解自己操作的原理和思路。 Another benefit of using a document camera is the decrease in copying expense.使用数影仪的另一个好处是减少复制纸张费用。 Schools are always looking at ways to maximize the financial resources that are available.学校一直在寻找如何最大限度地节省有限的财政资源。 A classroom document camera can drastically reduce the amount of copying a teacher has to do.数影仪可以大大减少老师复印课堂所需资料的数量。 Instead of copying 30 quizzes for a class, place 1 copy of the quiz under a document camera and either have students answer the questions on a sheet of paper or use clickers such as the Classroom Performance System (CPS) to have students answer the quiz questions.相反的复制为一类,1复制的文件摄像机下的测验30测验和学生回答问题,如课堂上的表现系统(CPS)的纸张或使用表决器表有学生回答问答题。 例如,在一个30个学生的课堂,老师不必给每个学生发一份试卷,而只需将一份试卷放在数影仪下面就能考核学生,并通过一份答题表格让学生填写答案即可。 这样一来就节约了30份试卷的复印纸张费用。

  DOWNLOAD A PRINT FRIENDLY PDF OF ALL CLASSROOM DOCUMENT IDEAS (The document will open in this window. You can save the document to your computer or print it out for future use)

  How can I use a document camera in my classroom?我怎样才能在我的课堂中使用数影仪?

  Preschool - Primary Grades Classroom Document Camera Ideas学前教育 - 小学低年级课堂数影仪应用思路

  · Show and Tell展示和说明

  · Science Experiments科学实验

  · Zoom in on small items to see the details小件物品放大看到细节

  · "Big Books" - Big books are expensive.越大的书就越贵。你可以将任何一本书放在数影仪下,将成一本“巨大”的书。You can turn any book into a big book by placing it under the document camera

  · Math manipulatives数学演算

  · 数影仪Place a timer under the document camera to help with time management.下放置一个计时器,以帮助管理时间。

  · Picture schedule.展示操作步骤。 Place a picture schedule under the document camera. 将一张画和写了操作步骤的纸放在数影仪下。当某个活动的步骤完成了,就能通过数影仪指出它的时间过渡到了下一个步骤。例如, 老师可以指点"We just finished centers (show picture of "centers" on the schedule), now it's time for math (show schedule picture that represents "math") “我们刚刚完成了语文(显示的图片上了步骤”语文“),现在我们到了数学课时间(表示”数学“的放映时间,图片)

  · Demonstrating letter formation展示信件的内容

  · ABC tiles - let students come up and rearrange the tiles to create words拼音和拼字- 让学生上来,并重新排列卡片创造音和字

  · 展示盒说明Maps地图

  · 展示盒说明Photos and images照片和图像

  · Worksheets - students can view you filling out the information instead of just listening工作表 - 学生可以查看您填写的信息,而不是只是听

  · Save images for later use.保存供以后使用的影像。 A classroom document camera connected to a computer can act as a scanner.数影仪连接到电脑上,可以作为一台扫描仪。 Teachers can place items under the document camera and use them in class that day and "save" the image for future use.教师可以当天课堂制作的文档将放在数影仪下拍摄并保存下来,以供将来使用。

  · Save an image of what you did in class on the document camera to place on classroom websites.保存学生做的项目内容并放到课堂网站上。 Parents can "see" what their children are learning throughout the day.家长可以“看到”自己的孩子在整个一天的学习情况。

  · Saved images can also be incorporated into PowerPoint Presentations and Windows Movie Maker to use in activities such as end of year programs, classroom review and back to school nights.保存的图像可以用作制作演示文稿,比如今年的计划,课堂教学检查等。

  Intermediate/Middle School Classroom Document Camera Ideas中级/中学课堂的数影仪应用思路

  · Place a timer under the document camera to help with time management.文件摄像机下放置一个计时器,以帮助时间管理。

  · Displaying student work显示学生作业

  · Model sentence and paragraph structure, punctuation and grammar editing句子和段落结构,标点和语法讲解

  · Worksheets such as study guides or daily assignments.工作表,如学习指导或日常工作。 Fill out the worksheet with the students.与学生填写的工作表。 Complete graphic organizers as a whole cl

  · Daily Oral Language - can be saved from year to year without writing it on the board each day日常用语-不必年复一年每天都要写在黑板上,节省大量的粉笔盒时间

  · Math Manipulatives such as compass, ruler, thermometer, base ten blocks, etc展示教学用具,比如尺子、温度计、指南针等

  · Demonstrate how to use a calculator演示如何使用计算器

  · Show students how to set up math problems using notebook paper向学生演示如何演算解答数学题Math workbook p

  · Displaying and creating graphs显示和创建图表

  · Science experiments科学实验

  · Dissections解剖

  · Zoom in on small items to see the details小件物品放大看到细节

  · 展示Maps地图

  · 演示Valuable items you may not want to put in the hands of students贵重物品,贵重物品你可能不希望落在学生的手中

  · Overhead transparencies (you may need to put a white sheet of paper behind it)投影胶片(您可能需要在它背后垫白纸)

  · Pictures of historical places and events from a book or photo从一本书或照片演示历史名胜和事件的图片

  · 展示Art pictures or projects艺术图片或项目

  · Let the student be the "teacher"让学生当一回“老师”

  · Save images for later use.保存供以后使用的影像。 A classroom document camera connected to a computer can act as a scanner.数影仪连接到电脑上,可以作为一台扫描仪。 Teachers can place items under the document camera and use them in class that day and "save" the image for future use.教师可以当天课堂制作的项目将放在数影仪下拍摄并保存下来,以供将来使用。

  · 保存学生做的项目内容并放到课堂网站上。Save an image of what you did in class on the document camera to place on classroom websites.Parents can "see" what their children are learning throughout the day.家长可以“看到”自己的孩子在整个一天的学习情况

  · Saved images can also be incorporated into PowerPoint Presentations aSaved images can also be incorporated into PowerPoint Presentations and Windows Movie Maker to use in activities such as end of year programs, classroom review and back to school nights.保存的图像可以用作制作演示文稿,比如今年的计划,课堂教学检查等。

  High School Classroom Document Camera Ideas高中课堂数影仪应用思路

  · Place a timer under the document camera to help with time management.文件摄像机下放置一个计时器,以帮助时间管理。

  · Model writing skills, editing, revising演示写作模型,包括技巧,编辑,修改方法等

  · Worksheets such as study guides or daily assignments.工作表,如学习指导或日常工作。 Can be filled out as a classroom activity.可填写作为课堂活动。

  · Display textbooks显示教科书

  · Reference books参考书籍

  · 展示教学用具,比如尺子、温度计、指南针等Math manipulatives such as rulers, compass, algebra tiles, geometric figures

  · Model how to use a calculator示范如何使用计算器

  · Graph paModel setting up and steps for solving math problems模型设置和解决数学问题的步骤

  · Science experiments科学实验

  · Dissections解剖

  · Microscope显微镜

  · Science manipulatives科学操作器

  · Model chemistry problems, solving physics formulas化学问题模型,解决物理公式

  · 小件物品放大看到细节Zoom in on small items to see the details

  · Social Studies mapsResource material you may only have one of or do not want to put in the hands of students资源材料,您可能只有一个或不想落在学生手中

  · Historical items历史项目

  · Art projects艺术项目

  · Displaying student work显示学生作业

  · Save images for later use.保存供以后使用的影像。 A classroom document camera connected to a computer can act as a scanner.数影仪连接到电脑上,可以作为一台扫描仪。 Teachers can place items under the document camera and use them in class that day and "save" the image for future use.教师可以 当天课堂制作的项目将放在数影仪下拍摄并保存下来,以供将来使用。

  · 保存学生做的项目内容并放到课堂网站上。Save an image of what you did in class on the document camera to place on classroom websites.Parents can "see" what their children are learning throughout the day.家长可以“看到”自己的孩子在整个一天的学习情况Save an image of what you did in class on the document camera to place on classroom websites.

  · 保存的图像可以用作制作演示文稿,比如今年的计划,课堂教学检查等。Saved images can also be incorporated into PowerPoint Presentations and Windows Movie Maker.
